Monday, November 30, 2009

Raw Milk Health Benefits and Facts

Author: Raven Miller
Raw milk straight from the cow or goat is chock full of the benefits of wonderfully healthy bacteria, vitamins, and enzymes that you simply will not get from store-bought milk.

Milk you find on your supermarket shelf is flawed for many reasons. One reason is the big commercial dairies do not feed their cows grass and hay which is what they are supposed to eat, but rather their cows exist in small feedlots being fed large amounts of grain which is actually not something a cow was meant to eat.

As a result, these cows must be fed antibiotics which in turn are going into your milk. Bleach is also often added to make sure your carton of milk is as white as can be. Scary, isn't it?

But even if this were not the case, commercially available milk is pasteurized (heated) and homogenized (process that breaks down butterfat), and you can be sure that all those beneficial enzymes and healthy bacteria are long gone by the time it reaches the grocery shelf. What you have left is simply dead liquid which can possibly cause more harm than good due to the growth hormones and antibiotics (among other things) given to the unhealthy commercial-dairy cow.

Many people will argue that drinking milk straight from the cow is not healthy, and that pasteurization is necessary to kill off things like E coli. The fact is that milk collected hygienically from a healthy grass-fed cow on a small family-owned farm is very healthy, and the benefits far outweigh the risks. You'd be statistically much more likely to contract E coli from your local produce department than from that farmer's cow.

The source of the majority of our commercial milk is the modern Holstein dairy cow which has been bred specifically for quantity in order to produce large amounts of milk far beyond what a cow was ever meant to produce. Since she is fed so much grain (remember this is unhealthy for a cow), she requires antibiotics to keep her healthy. Growth hormones also end up in that milk you're pouring over your breakfast cereal every morning.

The most healthy and best-tasting raw milk will come from the "old" breeds of dairy cows such as the Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, or Brown Swiss, or the older lines of Holstein which were not bred to produce obscene amounts of milk. The average butterfat of these old breeds of cows back at the turn of the century was 4%. Today's butterfat normally comprises less than 3%. There is also the misleading notion that skim and low-fat milk is good for you. Full-fat milk is awesomely healthy as the butterfat contains the vitamins A and D which are needed for the absorption of calcium, and is also rich in the short- and medium-chain fatty acids that protect us against disease. You get no health benefit at all from drinking low-fat or no-fat milk, and you might as well just have a glass of water instead. That would actually be far more healthy.

Many are jumping on the raw milk bandwagon, and many more will climb on board in the coming years as people educate themselves about what is actually going into our food through the commercial processes.

If you have a small dairy farm near you, drop by and sample some real milk and see what you have been missing.

Article Source:

About the Author:
Raw milk benefits are stupendous, and more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon. Find out more information and learn about all of the amazing health benefits of raw milk plus lots more information and facts at

Friday, November 27, 2009

Homemade Cleaning Solutions: No More Toxic Chemicals!

Many cleaning solutions you buy on the store shelves contain toxins that are harmful to your health and our environment. Reduce your chemical (and your kids', your pets and your household) exposure by making your own natural cleaning solutions. They are simple, all natural and cost effective!


HOMEMADE SOLUTION>> 1/4 cup lemon juice mixed with tbs. of olive oil.
NOTE: If you have leftover solution, store it in the fridge.

HOMEMADE SOLUTION->>one gallon hot water mixed with 1 cup vinegar.

HOMEMADE SOLUTION->>Mix 1 quart warm water with 1/4 cup white vinegar.
Store in a spray bottle.

HOMEMADE SOLUTION>>baking soda. Simply scrub with baking soda. OR for stain removal, use 1/4 cup borax and let sit for 30 minutes- then scrub and flush.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Four Steps to a Large Serving of Gratitude This Thanksgiving

Author: Nina Amir

When you sit down to your Thanksgiving dinner and look at your plate heaped high with turkey, potatoes and gravy, before you pick up your fork make sure you haven't forgotten to give yourself a hefty serving of gratitude. After all, what is a Thanksgiving feast without gratitude? Isn't that what the holiday is all about?

It is, yet many of us forget that fact. Too often, we don't remember to be grateful for what we have or receive on Thanksgiving or on any other day. We become so involved in the negative dramas of our lives that we see only the stress-filled job, the uncaring spouse, the stack of bills we can't pay, the doctor's prognosis, the misbehaved children, the lack of time. If we take another look at our lives, we can always find something for which to be grateful  the sun in the sky, a friend, the weekend, a warm place to sleep, the five dollars in our pocket, the dog who licks our hand in passing. It matters not how much we have or how little. We still can be grateful for what we do have.

Thanksgiving offers a wonderful opportunity to remember the things for which we are grateful and to practice having what some have called "an attitude of gratitude." Some say a prayer of gratitude represents the strongest prayer of all, and I agree. I was taught to include gratitude in my prayers and thoughts every day  gratitude for what I have as well as for what I will receive. And what better time to start such a practice or to deepen an existing one than on a holiday created solely for giving thanks.

This Thanksgiving, I suggest taking the following four steps to help get into the spirit of Thanksgiving. First, before the meal even begins, go around the table and give each person a chance to offer gratitude for at least one thing. Begin simply by saying, "Something I'm grateful for is...." and fill in the blank. Let people share as many specific things for which they are grateful as they can think of. They can continue after their first sharing by saying, "And something else I'm grateful for is..." If someone's turn has passed and they suddenly think of something else they want to add, let them do so between other people's turns or at the end. This practice will set the whole tone of your meal. And don't let anyone off the hook. Everyone must share at least one thing for which they feel grateful.

The second step to creating a gratitude-filled Thanksgiving involves prayer. Joining hands and offering a blessing on the food and the company at the table, along with thanksgiving of some sort, always sheds a warm, spiritual light on any meal. And it puts God into the picture, reminds us that the Divine might have something to do with our good fortune. Religious context doesn't matter for this prayer. In fact, offer a heartfelt prayer that doesn't associate itself with any one religion. If you prefer to stick with religiously oriented prayers and the company at your table has different religious beliefs, let each person from a different religion offer a prayer of gratitude from their own tradition.

Third, ask people to bring to the table their favorite quotes or stories about being grateful or about Thanksgiving itself. During the meal, take turns reading these aloud. It's nice to hear the words of others or to share touching memories about a holiday. It gives depth to the holiday and a positive overall feeling to the celebration. In addition, such stories remind us of other things for which we can be grateful.

Fourth, before everyone gets up from the table  maybe over coffee and pie, focus some attention on the things you expect to receive over the next year. Vocalizing our intentions to manifest things in the future provides a wonderful vehicle for actually having them manifest in our lives. And the best way to allow these wonderful gifts into our experiences lies in affirming that they already are coming to us. In fact, it's a most powerful exercise to offer gratitude for them as if you were experiencing them right in the moment, right at the Thanksgiving table. For example, you might say, "I am so grateful for the five percent raise I received at work," "I am so grateful for the wonderful health I am now experiencing," or "I am so enjoying my sleek, trim, body which weighs just 150 pounds." The more specific you get about these goals and desires, the better. Not only do these invocations make you feel better, because they affirm that what you need or want is coming your way, but they have a way of actually attracting these things into your life.

With just a little effort, you'll find you can fill your Thanksgiving experience with a heaping portion of gratitude. By so doing, the food on your plate will taste that much sweeter this year.

Article Source:

About the Author:Nina Amir, the author of From Empty Practice to Meaning-Full & Spirit-Full Prayers & 7 Simple Steps, is currently writing Setting a Place for God, A Woman's Guide to Creating Sacred Space & Inviting the Divine to Dwell Within It. Enroll in her FREE teleseminar, "How to Transform Empty Holiday Celebrations into Meaning-Full and Spirit-Full Observances," on 11/13 at 5:30pm (PST) by visiting .

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are Body Creams Healthy?

Body Creams Healthy?Author: Joan Gosselin

What if I told you that your body creams might be harmful to your health? The chemical additives contained in most of the popular body lotion and creams might not cause you any problems directly, but they are not the only chemicals that you’re exposed to every day. It’s the way that these components interact which may present the greatest health risk.

Body creams and other cosmetic products should not contain possibly harmful ingredients, but they do. It should be mandatory by law that the cosmetics companies stop using chemicals in the products that we put on our bodies. These chemicals enter our bodies through our skin, and can then cause a myriad of problems.

The same chemicals found in body lotion and creams have been found in breast milk, and in the children who ingested the milk. Some of these chemicals have been linked to birth defects, and even cancer. If nothing else, there should be some kind of moral obligation on the part of the manufacturers to not include ingredients that could be harmful to their loyal customer’s health.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the state of California list Phthalates, Formaldehyde, Ethylene Oxide, and Acrylamide as both known carcinogens and as reproductive toxins. These problems are sharply on the rise in the human population. These poisons have been seen to have an effect on animal and aquatic life as well.

All of these ingredients can be found in most of the body creams found on the cosmetics shelves today. You can also find Mercury in mascara, and Lead in lipstick. There are also Dioxins, which are chlorinated chemical derivatives known to increase the likelihood of cancer.

Since the use of chemicals is such a prevalent part of our daily lives, it would be next to impossible not to receive at least a measure of exposure. You shouldn’t have to expect that contact to come from your body lotion and creams though.

One way to be sure of the purity of the ingredients found in your body creams is to find a cosmetics company that has signed the “Compact for Safe Cosmetics”. This is an agreement brought about by the European Union as a way to guarantee the quality of cosmetic products. Europe’s regulations on chemical use in body creams are far stricter than those in the United States.

Some other ingredients that are not advisable for body lotion and creams are liquid Petrolatum (Mineral oil) and alcohol. Petrolatum will make your skin feel moister initially, but it is not absorbable by the skin and will result in clogged pores. You should avoid products containing alcohol simply because of the drying effect.

Instead, you should look for body lotion and creams containing organic ingredients such as jojoba wax, olive oil, and grape seed oil. These ingredients all are high in antioxidant properties, and contain vitamins like B5. These qualities will offer you protection from free radical damage, and will help to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun.

If you look hard enough for your body creams, you can find the health and purity that you deserve.

Article Source:

About the Author:
Joan is a natural health enthusiast and researcher with a keen interest in skin care. She is a regular contributor to, a site dedicated to natural anti-aging skin care treatments.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Honoring our veterans--Past, Present & Future

Thank you to all our veterans who have served in the past,
who are serving now,
and who will be serving in the future.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Toxins in Make-up You Tube Interview With Stacy Malkan

Celeste interviews Stacy Malkan here

Check the safety rating of YOUR beauty & personal care products here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Soap Nuts: the Green Clean Detergent

Author: James J Clarkson

The North American consumer is moving towards becoming an informed buyer. An average American is now aware of facts that previously went unnoticed such as the presence of Triclosan in anti-bacterial soaps, bisphenol-A in plastics and that air fresheners are abuzz with phthalates. In simple words, the above describes the various harmful chemicals that are present in items that a person uses on a daily basis. People are now coming to realize that such chemicals are not just harmful to human health but also deplete the environment. The shift towards plant based and natural products is evident.

Why not regular laundry detergents?

Cleaning and washing laundry are a regular household task. There are various options in the market in the form of cleaning aids and commercial laundry detergents. These detergents contain a blend of many toxic chemicals that are present in the form of residue on clothes after they are washed. The skin may absorb these chemicals into the blood stream or they may evaporate and be taken in by children causing potential health effects.

Regular laundry detergents contain ammonia and phosphates which is why many people experience itching, rashes and allergic reactions ,such as eczema, to these detergents. A better, safer, ethical and environmental friendly option would be to use Soap nuts as a detergent and cleaning aid.

Soap nuts as detergents and cleaning aids

Soap nuts are a type of berry native to India, Nepal and other South Asian countries. The larger variety of soap nuts (Sapindus Mukorrosi) is widely used as a natural detergent and cleaning aid all over the world. The saponins in soap nuts make them an excellent detergent and cleaning aid.

Saponins are nature’s cleansing agents that act like soap when they come in contact with water. The saponins dissolves in the water and function as detergents. The soap nuts allow water to penetrate well into the fabric thereby washing and cleaning them. The dirt is attached to the surfactant which is then drained along with the water.

How to use soap nuts for laundry?

In order to use soap nuts for laundry purposes, 4-6 soap nut shells will be required. The soap nut shells should be taken and tied together in small muslin bag (supplied with most soap nuts orders), and tossed into the washing machine. Now you can add your clothes and do your normal laundry cycle. This set of soap nuts can be used for 4 to 5 loads of laundry. The soap nuts should be changed when they become grayish or mushy. It is advisable to allow the soap nuts to dry between successive loads of laundry. The soap nut bag should be removed before running the clothes in the dryer.

To make a liquid solution, 100 grams of soap nuts, (or approximately30-35 whole soap nuts) should be boiled in approximately 3L of water for about 20 to 30 minutes. A liquid will be obtained which is a chemical free, concentrated soap nut solution; a natural aid to all your laundry detergent needs. The shells that are left over may be added to your compost. Then 45 ml of this solution (approximately 3 tablespoons) can be used for a load of laundry. The solution made with 100 grams of soap nuts can be used for washing approximately 40 loads of laundry and will cost you less than $10!

Benefits of using soap nuts as laundry detergents

Soap nuts help maintain the bright colors of the fabric and prevent fading with each wash. Soap nuts can be used to wash the most delicate fabrics such as silks and woolen garments without causing any harm to them.

Clothes washed with soap nuts come out feeling very soft eliminating the need to use additional fabric softeners.

The use of soap nuts does not cause any allergic reactions as it is completely natural and chemical free. They are ideal for people with allergies, eczema, dermatitis and sensitive skin.

For more articles on soap nuts visit

For pricing & to purchase soap nuts visit

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About the Author:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ten Terrific Superfoods That Will Enhance Your Wellbeing

Author: Roger Wakefield

Athough many people think of the term 'superfood' as a modern phenomena, records show that the term has been in use since at least 1945, and possibly early if we allow the hyphenated version, 'super-food'.

So what are they, and are they really all that 'super'?

In modern times, the term is generally used to indicate that a food has nutritional properties that are above and beyond those needed just to sustain life - usually that they contain vitamins and nutrients that have been proven to reduce the risk of disease and promote good health.

The claim is that 'Superfoods' are jam packed with nutrients and have great healthgiving properties. They are also supposed to boost our energy levels, prevent illness, boost brain power and repair cell damage.

If you want to test this theory out for yourself, look for ways to get the following superfoods into your diet.

1. Brazil nuts – These contain selenium which helps to protect the body against certain cancers, Alzheimer's disease and depression. Nuts help to reduce our risk of heart disease and can help to control our appetites. Look for free recipes online which make use of this wonderful nut.

2. Olive oil – Olive oil is a mono-unsaturated fat which helps to lower cholesterol. It is a source of antioxidants which help to fight the signs of ageing and protect us from damage caused by free radicals like smoking and pollution. Olive oil is a main ingredient in the healthy Mediterranean diet so look for Mediterranean diet free recipes online.

3. Apples – The humble apple is high in Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, and high in pectin, a soluble fibre which keeps the digestive system in good working order and helps to lower cholesterol.

4. Seeded Wholegrain Bread – The fibre in the bread keeps the digestive system healthy, the seeds are a source of essential fatty acids and phytoestrogens in linseeds and soya can help relieve symptoms of the menopause. These high fibre breads also help to control appetite.

5. Baked beans – Baked beans are brilliant. The tomato sauce is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant which protects the body from prostate cancer and heart disease. Insoluble fibre in the beans helps to keep the digestive system healthy. Beans are also rich in calcium, iron and protein. Serve baked beans on seeded bread toast for a great superfood meal!

6. Tea – Both black tea and green tea are rich in antioxidants. An antioxidant in tea, catechin, helps to keep our arteries healthy and stops blood clots forming.

7. Bananas – Bananas are high in potassium which is essential for healthy hair and skin and also helps to lower blood pressure. Bananas are also high in antioxidants and are a great source of energy. Bananas can be used in low fat recipes to replace half the fat content in cake recipes.

8. Yogurt – Yogurt is a great source of calcium which is essential for healthy teeth and bones. Bio yogurts also help the digestive system by topping up the amount of friendly bacteria present in the intestines. Make your own yogurt – find free recipes online.

9. Salmon – Salmon is an oily fish and oily fish are often known as “Brain food” because eating oily fish regularly helps to prevent dementia and depression. Eating oily fish also reduces the risk of heart disease, build up of plaque on the walls of the artery and lowers triglyceride levels.

10. Broccoli – This vegetable is high in folic acid which is thought to lower the risk of heart disease and phytochemicals which help to prevent cancer. Broccoli also contains the antioxidants Vitamin C and lutein which is thought to delay the onset and progression of AMD, age related macular degeneration.

Article Source:

About the Author:

Roger Wakefield works for for the Recipe File site, (, one of the best established recipe sites online. The Recipe File website contains more than 40k recipes which cover recipes as diverse as appetizer recipes to stew recipes. Home cooking can be simple and fun if you have some great recipes to start with. The Recipe File makes sure you will never have trouble finding a scrumptious recipe whenever you want.